Patient Participation Group

A statement follows from the Chairman, Argyle Medical Group PPG

Patient Participation Groups (PPGs) are an important and established means of helping general practices to be responsive to the needs of their community and to continuously improve the delivery of health services locally.

The present Patient Participant Group Committee at AMG, evolved from an existing surgery access liaison committee. This consisted of nominated representatives from local councils and county council, but has now extended to non-council patient representatives.

The committee is supported by the Surgery and at every meeting one of the senior partners is in attendance along with the Practice Manager and representatives from the Health Board and the Community Health Council (CHC).

One of the key features of a PPG is the patient experience and looking to see how that experience can be improved.

However the PPG is not a forum for making complaints but in many circumstances PPGs often lead to a reduction in the number of complaints overall.

So how can a PPG help the patient experience? We are currently looking at and reviewing the following areas :

    1. Improving the appointment system. This is an on-going problem in most GP surgeries, but the surgery has been very proactive in attempting to improve the situation.

    2. Failure to turn up for appointments is another area of concern and the surgery, in conjunction with the PPG are working very hard to reduce the number of “no shows”.

    3. Use of better technology – the PPG have a page on the surgery website and are also looking if social media, Facebook and Twitter can improve the patient experience.

Members of the PPG regularly attend PPG seminars meeting other committee members from other PPGs within the Hywel Dda Board area. These meetings are very useful in that it gives opportunities to meet and discuss similar challenges. Minutes of these meetings can be found under the 'Have your Say' banner or you can click here.

Patient Participation Groups come under the umbrella of the National Association for Patient Participation (NAPP).

The Association are keen to support the work of existing PPGs and actively encourage more practices to set up groups. Argyle Practice PPG is determined that it will succeed and are continually looking at new ideas in order to make that happen.

 Terms of Reference 

PPG Members 

Dennis Evans (Chair)

Justine Hendy

Paul Jones (Vice Chair)

Jane Lee

Rose Blackburn

Kay Macken

Phillip Bowen

Jacky Perkins

Suzanne Cole

Tony Upfold

Paul Evans

Maria Williams

Claire Francis


Meeting at Argyle Street Surgery

18th November 2024

Copies of the minutes from this meeting can be accessed by clicking here.

Meeting at Argyle Street Surgery

9th September 2024

Copies of the minutes from this meeting can be accessed by clicking here.

Meeting at Argyle Street Surgery

8th July 2024

Copies of the minutes from this meeting can be accessed by clicking here.

Meeting at Argyle Street Surgery

20th May 2024

Copies of the minutes from this meeting can be accessed by clicking here.

Meeting at Argyle Street Surgery

8th April 2024

Copies of the minutes from this meeting can be accessed by clicking here.

Meeting at Argyle Street Surgery

3rd July 2023

Copies of the minutes from this meeting can be accessed by clicking here.

Meeting at Argyle Street Surgery

24th April 2023

Copies of the minutes from this meeting can be accessed by clicking here.

Meeting at Argyle Street Surgery

20th March 2023

Copies of the minutes from this meeting can be accessed by clicking here.

Meeting at Argyle Street Surgery

30th January 2023

Copies of the minutes from this meeting can be accessed by clicking here.

Meeting at Argyle Street Surgery

12th September 2022

Copies of the minutes from this meeting can be accessed by clicking here.

Meeting at Argyle Street Surgery

22nd June 2022

Copies of the minutes from this meeting can be accessed by clicking here

Meeting at Argyle Street Surgery

14th March 2022

Copies of the minutes from this meeting can be accessed by clicking here

Meeting at Argyle Street Surgery

16th December 2019

Copies of the minutes from this meeting can be accessed by clicking here

Meeting at Argyle Street Surgery

14th October 2019

Copies of the minutes from this meeting can be accessed by clicking here

Meeting at Argyle Street Surgery

17th June 2019

Copies of the minutes from this meeting can be accessed by clicking here

Meeting at Argyle Street Surgery

15th April 2019

Copies of the minutes from this meeting can be accessed by clicking here

Meeting at Argyle Street Surgery

18th January 2019

Copies of the minutes from this meeting can be accessed by clicking here

Meeting at Argyle Street Surgery

13th August 2018

Copies of the minutes from this meeting can be accessed by clicking here

Meeting at Argyle Street Surgery

23rd April 2018

Copies of the minutes from this meeting can be accessed by clicking here

Meeting at Argyle Street Surgery

5th Feb 2018

Copies of the minutes from this meeting can be accessed by clicking here

Meeting at Argyle Street Surgery

24th January 2018

Copies of the minutes from this meeting can be accessed by clicking here.

Meeting at Argyle Street Surgery

12th June 2017 

Copies of the minutes from this meeting can be accessed by clicking here

Meeting at Argyle Street Surgery

Held on 30th January 2017

Copies of the minutes from this meeting can be accessed by clicking here

Meeting at Argyle Street Surgery

Held on 17th August 2016

Copies of the minutes from this meeting can be accessed by clicking here

Meeting at Argyle Street Surgery

Held on 29th June 2016

Copies of the minutes from this meeting can be accessed by clicking here

Meeting at Argyle Street Surgery

Held on 4th May 2016

Copies of the minutes from this meeting can be accessed by clicking here

Meeting at Argyle Street Surgery

Held on 16th March 2016

Copies of the minutes from this meeting can be accessed by clicking here

Meeting at Argyle Street Surgery

Held on 10th January 2016

Copies of the minutes from this meeting can be accessed by clicking here

Meeting at Argyle Street Surgery

Held on 9th December 2015

Copies of the minutes from this meeting can be accessed by clicking here

Meeting at Argyle Street Surgery

Held on 9th November 2015

Copies of the minutes from this meeting can be accessed by clicking here

Meeting at Argyle Street Surgery

Held on 9th September 2015

Copies of the minutes from this meeting can be accessed by clicking here 

Meeting at Argyle Street Surgery

Held on 1st July 2015

Copies of the minutes from this meeting can be accessed by clicking here 

Meeting at Argyle Street Surgery

Held on 3rd March 2015

Copies of the minutes from this meeting can be accessed by clicking here

Meeting at Argyle Street Surgery

Held on 28th January 2015

Copies of the minutes from this meeting can be accessed by clicking here

Meeting at Argyle Street Surgery

Held on 3rd December 2014

Copies of the minutes from this meeting can be accessed by clicking here

Meeting at Argyle Street Surgery

Held on 10th September 2014

Copies of the minutes from this meeting can be accessed by clicking here

Meeting at Argyle Street Surgery

Held on July 16th 2014

Copies of the minutes from this meeting can be accessed by clicking here

Meeting at Argyle Street Surgery

Held on June 4th 2014

Copies of the minutes from this meeting can be accessed by clicking here

Meeting at Argyle Street Surgery

Held on March 12th 2014

Copies of the minutes from this meeting can be accessed by clicking here

Meeting at Argyle Street Surgery

Held on September 4th 2013

Copies of the minutes from this meeting can be accessed by clicking here

Meeting at Argyle Street Surgery

Held on June 4th 2013

Copies of the minutes from this meeting can be accessed by clicking here















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